Pastor Steve Alessi

A Miami native, Steve Alessi was called into ministry at the age of 19 and has faithfully answered that call through Pastoral ministry for over 30 years. After graduating from Southeastern University in 1984, he served along side his parents as Associate Pastor of Grace Church of Kendall and in 1997 he founded Metro Life Church in Doral, Florida, with his wife, Mary Alessi. Today he enjoys doing ministry with the help and involvement of his son Christopher, and three teenage daughters, Stephanie, Lauren and Gabrielle. Under his leadership, Metro Life Church has a growing local campus, a vibrant and innovative online campus and a local television presence in South Florida, as well as local and global outreaches through its Project Love ministries.

On November 10, 2013, Pastors Steve and Mary became the Lead Pastors of Grace, making it a second campus of Metro Life Church.

Steve serves his local community as a member on the Doral and Faith Based Charities Advisory Committee and is the Chaplain of the Doral Police Department. He also enjoys the fellowship of his Pastor, Mike Hayes, and the Churches in Covenant (CIC Network) in Dallas, Texas and is a member of the Champions Network with Pastor Joel Osteen.

Pastor Mary Alessi

Mary Alessi is a singer/songwriter/author (www.maryalessi.com) whose passion is to lead people to God through worship.

Her commitment to worship has compelled her to record four music projects which include “Whatever it Takes,” “More,” “When Women Worship,” and “Pressing On.”

Her work in christian music has been recognized by her peers when her song, “Great Grace” was nominated for a Dove Award by the Gospel Music Association.  She and her husband, Steve, are the proud parents of four beautiful children and serve as co-Pastors at Metro Life in Doral and Grace in Dadeland.


Impacting Everyday Life Everywhere

When somebody comes to our church, we want lives to be impacted and made better because they are a part of Metro. We want their families, marriages and work relationships to be solid and strong and impacted spiritually.

We also want to make an impact in others outside of our church. Our community should be better because we are here. The people of Metro Life Church, in all of our campuses, should make the area they are in, the best place to live. Our city, our state, our nation, even the world should be better because we are here.

How do we implement our vision? Well, it’s as simple as Relationship, Relationship, Relationship. That word “Relationship” may not sound ultra-spiritual, but it has been, and will continue to be at the very center of how we do what we do at Metro. We are a church that is made up of very strong relationships and in those relationships, we live out the vision of Impacting Everyday Life Everywhere.


We have Four Core Values at Metro Life Church.

  1. We are a FAITH-FILLED church,
  2. We are a FAITHFUL church,
  3. We are a FRIENDLY church, and
  4. We are a FUN church.

As a FAITH-FILLED church, we know that God is asking us to accomplish a mission that can only be achieved by Faith and that’s why we place a huge value on being people that “walk by faith, and not by sight”. So whether it’s building a building, launching another church campus, giving an altar call for salvation, or taking a missions trip to a foreign country, our response to God will always be yes and our dependence on Him will be by faith.

As a FAITHFUL church, since God has blessed us with a Church that’s filled with great people, we are going to be good stewards over all that we have. We know that we have been given much, and that much is expected of us.

As a FRIENDLY church, we want people to know that at Metro we really do care for each other, especially knowing that South Florida isn’t always the friendliest place to live. We know connecting with God is our first priority, but right after that is connecting with each other.

And as the #FUNCHURCH, we value having Fun at Metro. Church isn’t always an easy place to go for the people that God is calling us to reach. That’s why we’re going to create an atmosphere of fun and excitement that helps connect as a family. Sadly, “fun” is the last thing most people have in mind when they think of Church; but we’re changing that. We are THE Fun Church!!


We BELIEVE there is One God existent in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 1 John 5:7

We BELIEVE Jesus Christ is true God and true man. Luke 1:26-33

We believe in the Holy Spirit and in His baptism as manifested by the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. Acts 10:44-46

We BELIEVE the Bible is the inspired Word of God and reveals God’s Will and Destiny for mankind. 2 Timothy 3:16

We BELIEVE Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all people. Acts 4:12

We BELIEVE The Church is the gathering of believers for the purpose of evangelism, edification and education. Hebrews 10:25

We BELIEVE in Prayer and Praise. We worship the Lord through singing and the lifting of our hands and believe healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ for all believers. Psalms 63:4

We BELIEVE Personal evangelism is a lifestyle and is the commitment of those who follow Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15

We BELIEVE that believers are to be baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward commitment to Jesus. Matthew 28:19

We BELIEVE in Tithing as taught in the Old & New Testament. Therefore we honor God with the first fruits of our increase; the 10% of our income that is the tithe. Malachi 3:10-12

We BELIEVE in the sacredness of marriage between one man and one woman and the family commitment. We promote strong family values. Ephesians 5:31-33