Baptism is the public celebration announcing your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Baptism does not save you: this means that it doesn’t purchase your way to heaven, assure you a personal relationship with Jesus, and does not wash away your sins. Baptism is in obedience to Christ and does not automatically make you a member of any denomination.

Because Jesus did it. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:13-17

Because Jesus commands you to do it in obedience. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:18-20


Our next Beach Water Baptism will take place on Saturday, April 18th at 10am at Bill Baggs State Park in Key Biscayne. Please click here to register.

All baptismal candidates are also required to attend an a 1 hour orientation. Details will be emailed to you once registration is complete.


Why ‘Dedicated’ And Not Baptized?

Children are a gift from God. Psalm 127:3 proclaims that “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him.” As believers, we are called to recognize that children belong first and foremost to God. God in His goodness gives children as gifts to parents. They not only have the awesome responsibility of caring for these gifts, but they also have the wonderful privilege of enjoying them. Because children belong to God and are given by grace as gifts to parents, it is only proper and appropriate that children be dedicated back to Him.

The Bible calls for every person who has believed in Christ to be baptized. “…those who believed and accepted his message were baptized” ( Acts 2:41). “But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women” (Acts 8:12). “Simon himself believed and was baptized…” (Acts 8:13). The one requirement for baptism is belief in Christ. Therefore, we do not baptize children until they are old enough to understand and believe. Until that time, we dedicate these wonderful gifts back to the Lord.

What are the qualifications of a child being dedicated at Metro Life?

In order for your child to be dedicated you must be the parent of the child and a contributing member in good standing who regularly attends our services. If you are not a member, you can become one by going through Champ Life. Parents must also attend a 30 minute orientation prior to the dedication.

To register your child for our next dedication on Sunday March 15th in Doral, please click here.


A wedding at Metro Life Church is intended to be an act of worship; a religious covenant whereby the union of a couple is affirmed within the context of the covenantal relationship with God. When a man and woman express their desire for their marriage to be solemnized in a church wedding, the church immediately becomes a party to the wedding and a participant in the formulation of plans affecting the wedding. Below is our policy for Metro Life Church weddings, whether using an MLC facility and/or utilizing the services of MLC Pastors or Ministers to officiate the wedding.


Weddings at Metro Life Church (MLC), its sanctuaries or facilities, and/or in any of its campuses will be only for active and contributing church members in good standing; including the successful completion of our Champ Life program. Weddings are not permitted or performed for non-members. This active and contributing membership must be displayed for a period of at least six months prior to applying for a wedding date to be posted on the Church Calendar. Weddings at MLC also require the successful completion of MLC’s Pre-Marital Class. The Pre-Marital Class is an 8 week course and is offered 3 to 4 times per year to church members in good standing. This class can be taken pre or post engagement.


For MLC weddings, whether facilities, ministers or both, it is absolutely imperative that you communicate with our Wedding Liaison BEFORE you set your wedding date. Dates for an MLC wedding are subject to church calendar availability of the facility and/or ministers before confirmation can be given. It is best to have several date and time options to choose from for your wedding when you contact the church office.

MLC Pastoral Participation and Availability

The Pastoral Team involved with the premarital class, the ceremony, and/or any other aspect of the actual wedding, reserve the right to make decisions based upon each case regarding, but not limited to:

  • The ability to perform the wedding.
  • Personal and Church Calendar availability.
  • Any aspect of the wedding that pertains to an overall Christian witness of marriage, consistent biblical teachings and the overall testimony of Metro Life Church regarding marriage, home and family.
  • The personal commitment displayed by both the Bride and Groom to Christ and their consistency and commitment to Metro Life Church.
  • Completion of MLC’s Pre-Marital Class with the Pastoral Team.

Non-MLC Pastoral Participation

It is not mandatory that an MLC pastor performs the ceremony in an MLC facility. However, weddings can only be held in an MLC facility with the active involvement of a member of the pastoral staff and an MLC wedding liaison.  Any non-MLC Pastor/Minister wishing to perform the ceremony must have the approval of the Metro Life Church Pastoral staff. Pastoral participation in wedding ceremonies is a ministry, not a mandatory obligation. In order for us to adhere to the tenets and beliefs of our faith all weddings will be strictly Christian in nature. We reserve the right to approve or disapprove a non-MLC officiating minister based on various factors including but not limited to religious, spiritual or church affiliation, adherence to moral and ethical principles found in The Word of God (the Christian Bible), and having character becoming of a Christian minister.Weddings meeting the above requirements are still subject to the conditions stated below.

We at Metro Life Church want your wedding to be a beautiful and memorable occasion. The following information was given to help you plan for this important event. If you have any questions, please call our main office at 305-592-5100 or email info@metrolifechurch.com.